Lisa B.

Lisa B.

Yoga Instructor




About Coach

My struggles were in my inner world. The out-of-control thoughts in my mind caused me anxiety, stress, and being overwhelmed with living life as a sensitive, shy, socially awkward person. It takes a lot of mental and physical energy to show up in a world where you are not the norm and have to constantly put on a mask to be accepted in a society where most of the population is not like you. This led to me having debilitating anxiety. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. It was a big relief when a family member was diagnosed with anxiety, and they made me aware that this could be what was happening to me. Being sensitive to medication I wanted to conquer it without it. I went into research mode and found YOGA! This was 20+ years ago. There were no yoga studios in the area, and it was before the internet and YouTube. I bought a VHS tape, plugged it into my VCR, and started doing yoga regularly at home. Over time the anxiety started to ease up, and it became manageable. I felt less stressed and overwhelmed and more energized than ever.

Turning Point

I was excited to find this miracle that is YOGA! I only wished I had discovered it sooner! Yoga has become a part of my daily life, and I loved helping others make it a part of theirs. Yoga not only helps you ease your mind, but it also lengthens and strengthens your body; it promotes overall wellness by keeping you out of stress and more in balance. I love when people notice my calm presence because it allows me to share my story on how I wasn't always this way and how the power of yoga changed my life.

Motivation & Passion

Yoga is often misunderstood, and I am on a mission to educate others on how it is about more than just being flexible in poses. Yoga means union-uniting your mind with your body by using your breath and your body to the earth to ground you and keep you centered and balanced. Yoga is needed now more than ever because people are more stressed than ever before. Humans were not designed to be constantly bombarded with texts, e-mails, and constant demands for our attention. I love sharing my passion for yoga with others, not only to help others relieve their stress. I want everyone to have a purpose-filled life by assisting them to grow their inner world by connecting, accepting, and loving their true selves. I love what Katie has created here at FGF. She does a great job of creating a safe and welcoming community.

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